Automotive Brake Service
Avoid unexpected braking problems with your vehicle with regular proactive maintenance and inspections. Old uneven or cracked rotors can be destroying the brake pads, leading to brake loss or failure.
Even without failing, warped brake rotors causing vibrations, and worn squeaky brake pads can make driving your vehicle tedious and unpleasant. Our expert team of automotive mechanics are available locally to diagnose and service your brake components.
Light trucks and other vehicles with drum brakes can come to us for brake drum maintenance, inspection, or replacement.
Our automotive technicians can also assist with worn or loose e-brake cables that need adjustment.
Frequently Asked Brake Service Questions
Having questions about automotive brake pads and brake rotor service is fairly common and these are some popular brake service questions we can help you with.
How much should it cost to replace brake pads and rotors?
Unless there is a promotion for a fixed price on specific brake parts, we will offer several tiers of service and give different prices depending on the needs of each customer. That said the most basic pad & rotor service starts at ~$300 per axle, so the cost to do a full brake job, replacing all 4 brakes and rotors typically starts at ~$1,200 with all the labor, parts, and accessories.
Is it common to replace rotors with brake pads?
Swapping out the brake pads with worn or warped rotors that have an uneven surface can cause the new pads to wear out prematurely or unevenly often leading to complaints aimed at the pad quality vs. the installation steps.
Rotors may be healthy enough that they can be resurfaced or ‘turned’ to restore a true surface, but the lost thickness can lead to poor heat transfer, overheating, cracking, and even destruction of the rotors in extreme situations. Our professional automotive technicians have the training and experience working with current brake hardware to make solid recommendations for your vehicle & local driving conditions.
How long do brake rotors typically last?
Under normal conditions it is common for us to see brake rotors in service anywhere from 55,000 – 115,000 kms, especially for folks who stay out of the city core and drive on the highway where brakes see less use.
How do I know my brake rotors are worn?
As mentioned above, older uneven rotors, or cracked rotors will make themselves obvious due to rapid pad wear leading to poor brake performance. Warped rotors will cause vibrations in the steering wheel (on older vehicles with mechanical steering) which gets worse as the brakes are applied while the vehicle is in motion.
Book your automotive brake service online, it’s easy!
Local Brake Repair Service
We are your local automotive brake service experts in Victoria. You can trust the technicians at Affordable Auto Repair on Dunford Ave. to help you with all your braking needs.